Genco Gypsy Grandma Forture
Criss Cross Jackpot Gypsy Grandma fortune teller, Genco, 5/57. A small fortune teller with sophisticated movements (nods, turns her head, breathes). Her right hand picks-up a fortune card from the enclosure that she opens with her left hand. She brings the card in front of her, turns her head, and then moves the card over the caldron and drops it (which delivers the card to the patron). She breathes during this process too (but there is no eye movement) and turns her head left and right and nods. Note some Genco Gypsy Grandmas had a speaker/microphone mounted to the upper left of the front glass, and some did not. The Speaker is not functionals – it is just there to “fool” the patron into thinking they can “talk” to the Grandma (the front glass specifies that you can “ask” Grandma a yes or no question, and she will give an answer). The Genco Gyspy Grandma is one of the more sophisticated fortune tellers, much more complex than the 1957 Genco Horoscope Grandma (which came out at about the same time, but delivers a horoscope in addition to a fortune).
Oak Mills Punching Bag Machine 1920
Mills 5 Cent Punching Bag / Boxing Strength Test Arcade Machine. Chicago: Mills Novelty Company, ca. 1903. Machine lowers a punching bag, with dial to measure the force of your strike . Height 79”. Complete machine restored back door replaced Call for details
Oak Mills Punching Bag Machine 1920
Mills 5 Cent Punching Bag / Boxing Strength Test Arcade Machine. Chicago: Mills Novelty Company, ca. 1903. Machine lowers a punching bag, with dial to measure the force of your strike . Height 79”. Complete machine restored Call for details
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